Lumbee Welcome Center is Awarded the Aspire Design Award

Thank you for honoring the Lumbee Tribal Welcome Center with the 2021 Aspire Design Award by AIA South Atlantic!

The Lumbee Tribal Welcome Center, rooted in the Lumbee Tribe’s needs and the surrounding area, merges a restaurant, craft and farmers’ market, and a fueling station under one roof. The Center serves as a new gateway for the Lumbee Tribe and the town of Pembroke, North Carolina.

The design uses the adjacent Highway 711 to the south and the Lumbee residences to the north to organize the program. The fueling station opens to the approaching highway, while the farmers’ and craft markets open to the community and create a park atmosphere. A great canopy—recalling the wings of a red-tailed hawk, one of the tribe’s sacred animals—shelters and unifies the shifted program bars.