Rogallo Museum of Low-Speed Flight Wins 2020 AIA Triangle Design Award

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The jury led by Todd Walker, FAIA of Archimania recognized the Rogallo Museum of Low-Speed Flight with an American Institute of Architects (AIA) Triangle Merit Award. AIA Triangle Design Awards encourage and recognize exceptional design in the field of architecture and executed by members of AIA Triangle. The jury thought that “The Museum of Low Speed Flight was an elegant tribute to an era of history that has the potential to evolve over time. They [also] felt that this project could engage the community. It was a museum that could be appropriately filled with natural light. Maybe most importantly, this project was believable as a built project in the unbuilt category.” We are so honored and grateful to hear the jury’s feedback!

The Rogallo Foundation is developing the Museum of Low-Speed Flight in honor of the Rogallos’ contributions to aviation. Francis and Gertrude Rogallo made tremendous contributions to aviation, including the Rogallo Wing and the Parawing. This in-progress project located in the Outer Banks of North Carolina will be an immersive museum that embodies and showcases the experience of hang gliding. We look forward to moving forward with this exciting project.

The jurors for this year were Todd Walker, Louis Pounders, Mario Walker, Kayce Williford, and Tim Michael. 

Click here to see the 2020 AIA Triangle Awards 

AIA Triangle Rogallo Award